Ayurveda Treatment for Sexual Disorder in Whitefield, Bangalore
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Sexual Disorder and infertility
Sexual disorders and infertility can deeply impact individuals or couples, affecting both physical and emotional well-being. In Ayurveda, these issues are often correlated with imbalances in the ‘Vata,’ ‘Pitta,’ or ‘Kapha’ doshas, influencing reproductive health and vitality.
Ayurvedic Perspective on Reproductive Health
Ayurveda perceives sexual disorders and infertility as imbalances in the body’s natural energies, impacting reproductive organs and hormonal equilibrium. Our approach focuses on restoring the balance through a therapies blend, herbal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments.
These factors increase the risk of infertility in all people:
- Age (over age 35 for women or over 40 for men).
- Diabetes.
- Eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
- Excessive alcohol use.
- Exposure to environmental toxins, such as lead and pesticides.
- Over-exercising.
- Radiation therapy or other cancer treatments.
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
- Smoking.
- Stress.
- Substance abuse.
- Weight problems (obesity or underweight)
Symptoms of Infertility
The symptom of infertility is the inability to conceive. There may be no other obvious signs and symptoms. Sometimes, a woman with infertility may have irregular or absent menstrual periods. In few cases, a man with infertility may have some signs of hormonal problems, such as changes in hair growth or sexual function.
Affordable Ayurveda Treatment for Sexual Disorder and Infertility in Whitefield, Bangalore
As per Ayurveda, avoiding the risk/ causative factors is the major way to prevent the disorder. But in a diagnosed case, there are various treatment modalities adopted like,
Shamana (With medicines) and Shodhana (with treatments) chikitsa.
One of the very well known ayurvedic procedures for infertility is Uttaravasti. It is also termed as garbhashaya gata vasti (as the medicines reach the uterus directly).
This program is not just for those struggling with fertility; those who plan to start a family can undergo this program as preconception care, so both partners are well prepared for conception in advance at a very affordable cost. This includes following an appropriate diet, adopting a holistic lifestyle, and undergoing detoxification for a healthy progeny
Is Ayurveda an effective treatment for Sexual Disorder and Infertility?
Panchakarma: As Ayurveda believes in the detoxification of the Male and Female systems in order to bring the aggravated doshas into balance and facilitate natural healing mechanisms and fertility in the individual body.
Treatments like Uttara vasti (vaginal enema), Vamana (Emesis therapy) which has been proven very effective in nourishing the body’s reproductive system and results in aiding natural conception and fertility.
Treatments are also focusing on Psychological aspects of the Reproductive health system.
Yoga Therapy results in following various postures that can create positive health to the reproductive organs.
Rasayana therapy rejuvenates micro body channels resulting in energizing the reproductive system.
For a pregnancy to happen a positive physical, mental, and spiritual health of both female and male reproductive system is necessary, As per Ayurveda the deepest level of nourishment happens to Shukra dhathu (Reproductive system).
The shukra dhatu nourishment is only possible/done if the other six dhatus are properly nourished which are Rasa, Raktha, Mamsa, Medha, Asthi & Majja. So treatment works on cleansing and rejuvenating reproductive channels, nourishing the saptha dathus through Shodhana (Detox therapies) and Shamana (Palliative therapies) Chikitsa,internal medication. And ultimately contributing to overall wellness of the couples and having a healthy progeny.
Male Uttara vasti, Female uttara vasti, Yoni dhavana (cleansing the female reproductive tract), Yoni dhupana (Fumigating the female reproductive tract) Vasti, shirodhara, Vaman, Virechan, Yogasana, along with internal medicines, a complete diet and lifestyle consultation effectively play a role for fertility.

Frequently Asked Questions
Infertility is the inability of a person, animal or plant to reproduce by natural means. Acharya has explained four important factors as Garbha Sambhava Samagri : Ritu, Kshetra, Ambu and Beeja. These are important for conception. Infertility occurs if there is any abnormality in Garbha Sambhava Samagri.
Ayurvedic remedies for infertility include herbal formulations like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Guduchi, as well as Panchakarma therapy, which involves detoxification and rejuvenation treatments. Lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet and exercise are also recommended.
By restoring dosha equilibrium, Panchakarma can potentially help overcome fertility issues. Detoxification: Panchakarma eliminates toxins that may interfere with reproductive health and fertility.