Ayurveda Treatment for Migraine in Whitefield Bangalore
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Migraine treatment
Migraine, more than just headaches, often involve intense throbbing pain, light sensitivity and sound, and can significantly disrupt daily life. In Ayurveda, migraines are linked with an imbalance in the ‘Tridoshas,’ particularly the aggravation of Pitta and Vata doshas.
In Ayurveda migraines as a result of imbalances in the body’s natural energies. Our approach focuses on addressing these imbalances through a therapies, herbal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments.

Causes of Migraine
The exact cause of migraines is not fully known, but researcher suggests that they are complex neurological disorders involving multiple factors. Some factors that may lead to migraines include
- Genetics: Migraines tend to run in families, suggesting that there may be a genetic component to the ailment.
- Environmental triggers: Certain environmental factors, include changes in weather, exposure to bright lights or loud noises, and certain smells or odors, can trigger migraines in some people.
- Hormonal changes: Changes in estrogen, particularly in women, can trigger migraines. This is why migraines are more common in women than men.
- Lifestyle factors: Certain lifestyle factors, include lack of sleep, stress, and irregular eating habits, can trigger migraines.
Affordable Ayurveda treatment for Migraine in Whitefield, Bangalore
Ayurveda has a variety of potential solutions to the migraine problem at an affordable cost. The best thing about these ayurveda is that they focus on treating the concern from the root. This helps ensure that not only the symptoms are relieved, but the recurrence chances are also thinned down.
To manage this concern, Ayurveda takes a more comprehensive approach at a very affordable cost, covering the symptoms and root cause(s).
Ayurvedic treatment for migraine pain :
- Thorough detoxification.
- Home remedies include the purest homegrown ingredients.
- Lifestyle changes.
- Refined diet.
- Relaxation processes help ease the pain.
Also, as Ayurvedic for migraine do not require lab-synthesized drugs, substance overdose can not happen.
Is Ayurveda an effective treatment for Migraine?
Ayurvedic treatment is not for the ailment itself, but it is tailored for the particular disease condition of the individual. Panchakarma (purification) treatments are highly recommended for treating this ailment. This is done after a detailed ayurvedic consultation with the ayurvedic professional. Treatment is tailored by the doctor which consists of herbs, therapies and a diet/lifestyle change.
In chronic Migraine, toxic materials will be deposited in the head and can affect the function of the sense organs. This can produce sensitivity to light, sound, odour and mood changes. Panchakarma helps to remove these toxins and helps to strengthen our nerve system. Special treatments like Sirodhara, Shiroabhyanga, Sirovasti etc. helps to nourish the nerve system and thereby the action of Vata becomes normalised.
Nasya (administering of herbal preparations through the nostrils) is one of the treatments which directly acts on the nerves and gets off the toxins accumulated in the sinuses.
Oil Pulling : Another therapy for migraine is oil pulling or Kavala Graha. It has a powerful detoxifying effect that can increase relief from migraines and other conditions brought from poisonous toxins. Another benefit of Kavala Graha therapy is whiter teeth!
Shirodhara: This therapy can be a perfect ayurvedic medicine for migraine. In Shirodhara, a continuous stream of warm oil is poured over the area where the nerves are highly concentrated. This way the oil pressure forms a vibration on the forehead which helps the nervous system and mind experience mental relaxation.

Frequently Asked Questions
Ayurveda presents to a number of ancient herbs that guarantee you relief from migraines.
The major cause of migraine is the sedentary lifestyle of the individual.
- Pouring medicated oil into the nose (nasya karma)
- Whole body oil massage.
- Eating medicated ghee.
- Sweating therapy.