Elakizhi Treatment in Whitefield, Bangalore
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What is Elakizhi ?
Elakizhi (Ela meaning Leaves; Kizhi meaning Bolus or Potli) is an Ayurvedic treatment which includes sweat inducing method. It is a process in which herbal leaves are fried with some medicated oil and other ingredients and are tied in a potli. This potli is dipped into hot medicated oil and then applied slowly all over the body or the affected area. It relieves body pain, stiff joints, back aches and similar ailments. Elakizhi is a massage therapy, which is highly effective in treatments of ailments affecting the bones and joints. Highly advisable for bone and joint conditions such as Arthritis, Spinal problems, Spondylitis, Lower Back Pain, sports injuries etc.
What are possible health benefits of Elakizhi Treatment?
- Helps improving muscle strength
- It slowdowns the process of aging
- Alleviates sore muscles and joints
- Relieves body pain and stiffness
- Enhances blood circulation
- Treatment is effective for Arthritis problems
- Very effective for patients suffering from Paralysis
- Removes dryness of the skin
- Effective for patients with Slipped Disc
- Relieves from Sprain and other sports injuries
- Very relaxing and detoxifying
What are the ingredients used for Elakizhi massage?
Elakizhi makes use of Ayurvedic massage oil for back pain and other problems. The oils used help in providing relief and when infused with herbs ensure that it goes down into the tissues. The Ayurvedic massage oil for sciatica and other problems are selected based on the patient’s health condition. The oils used include:
- Murivenna oil
- Kottamchukkadi Thailam
- Mahanarayana Thailam
- Sahacharadi Thailam
- Ksheerabala Thailam
- Mahamasha Thailam
Apart from the oils, plant leaves are used in the massage for lower back pain and other conditions. The leaves chosen depend on the Dosha imbalance. The leaves and ingredients used include:
- Eranda (castor plant) leaves
- Arka leaves (Calotropis procera)
- Nirgundi (Chaste tree) leaves
- Tamarind leaves
- Turmeric powder
- Fenugreek
- Rock salt
- Castor oil
How long does a usual treatment take?
The entire massage process usually takes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. It covers the entire body and more attention is given to parts that are affected. The duration depends on the health condition of the patient. If done on specific parts like the lower back or should